• Flyfish Review - Execute International Transactions in the most Seamless Way

    What's better than coming across a service provider that offers multi currency IBANs along with corporate payroll services? It sounds like a complete package in order to ensure the smooth running of business operations. Without any doubt, the service provider in my Flyfish review serves the business owners in the best of their interest in order to expand their operations. Read More
  • What is Consensus Algorithms When it Comes to AI Crypto Trading?

    While a lot of people have been talking about using  AI for crypto trading, not many are aware of the complex systems that go behind it. For instance, not many people are aware of consensus algorithms. Knowing about such things is vital to ensure that you use AI in the best possible way. Read More
  • MABI Robotic's Milling Robots - Precision Engineering for Modern Manufacturing

    In the dynamic field of industrial manufacturing, precision and adaptability are key to maintaining competitive advantage. MABI Robotic has established itself as a pioneer in this sector with its specialized range of high-precision milling robots, equipped with advanced technologies that cater to both additive and subtractive CNC applications. The introduction of secondary encoders on all axes of its robots ensures that MABI Robotic offers solutions that lead the market in accuracy and efficiency. Read More
  • The Dispute Over Apple's Dominance

    In light of the recent lawsuit by the US Department of Justice, Apple, one of the world's most innovative tech companies, has found itself at the center of a debate over market dominance boundaries. Accusations of monopolizing the smartphone market by Apple have sparked a wide discussion about the balance between innovation and competition. This situation sheds new light on the company's practices, which for years have attracted both admiration and criticism. Read More
  • Saudi Arabia inaugurates the world’s first Dragon Ball theme park

    Shortly after the death of Akira Toriyama, the legendary "Dragon Ball" universe will find its place in the real world - the globe's first theme park dedicated to this series is set to be established in Saudi Arabia. The centerpiece of this ambitious project will be the world of Son Goku, the hero with extraordinary martial arts skills on a quest to find the seven magical orbs that summon a wish-granting dragon. Read More
  • Pioneering Demonstration of Skills by a Neuralink Patient

    At the center of attention was Noland Arbaugh, who, thanks to the Neuralink chip, can control a computer game directly with his mind. Arbaugh, who became paralyzed after an accident, became the first person to demonstrate the potential of this technology in practice. His ability to interact with a computer through thoughts without using physical controllers is a significant step forward in the field of brain-computer interfaces. Read More
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Displaying items by tag: business

Thursday, 28 May 2020 15:52

How to get & keep clients: 5 crucial elements

Focusing on acquiring new customers, we often pay less attention to maintaining good relationships with acquired customers. We forget that they have unused potential. A customer who has already made a purchase is easier to convince to buy again because we trust him. So how to effectively keep customers with you and use the confidence you have gained?

Published in Business